

There is a food additive called a nutritional fortifier

Food nutrient fortifiers refer to "natural or artificially synthesized food additives that are added to foods to enhance nutritional components and fall within the scope of natural nutrients."


Food nutrient fortifiers refer to "natural or artificially synthesized food additives that are added to foods to enhance nutritional components and fall within the scope of natural nutrients."

In order to improve the endemic goiter and cretinism caused by iodine deficiency in Chinese residents, since 1995, China has implemented the national salt iodization, which is a well-known nutrient-fortified food in our daily life. Why food should be fortified

Food fortification is mainly to supplement the nutritional deficiencies of natural foods, improve the nutritional components and proportions in food, and meet people's nutritional needs; reduce and prevent many nutritional deficiencies and other complications caused by nutritional deficiencies; These nutrients can achieve the purpose of special diet and health; improve the sensory quality and preservation performance of food.

The processed flour and rice we eat are generally deficient in B1 and B2. In order to solve this problem, some commercially available flour and rice will add these nutrients to prevent the lack of these nutrients. The disease ***. In addition, iron deficiency due to dietary habits and other reasons can be improved by eating commercially available iron-fortified soy sauce. Selection of nutritionally fortified foods my country's "Measures for the Hygiene Management of Food Nutritional Enhancers" stipulates that all nutritionally fortified foods must be marked on the packaging: "nutrient-fortified food", and the name of the manufacturer, production date, fortified variety, fortified food. Dosage, object of use, consumption method, consumption amount and shelf life shall not be exaggerated.

In line with the principle of "make up for what is lacking and make up for what is lacking", when we buy and eat nutritionally fortified foods, we must carefully read the food labels, choose the right product and consumption amount, so as to avoid excessive consumption and produce ** *.

Taking iodized salt as an example, according to the regulations, the iodine content in each gram of iodized salt is not less than 35 micrograms, and the normal daily requirement of iodine is 150 micrograms. That is to say, if our daily source of iodine is mainly iodized salt, then the daily amount of salt should not exceed 5 grams, otherwise long-term high iodine intake can lead to diseases such as high iodine goiter; if we live in Adequate intake of seafood, such as kelp, seaweed, fresh hairtail, dried clams, dried clams, dried scallops, mussels, sea cucumbers, jellyfish, lobsters, etc., and consumption of iodized salt will also increase the risk of high iodine diseases* **risk.

Key words:

Yunbo Health, Calcium, Magnesium